Monday, November 27, 2006

Busy and long weekend! Kicked it off with the 2nd Annual Run Against Hunger event last Thursday--Thanksgiving Day. Over 1250 people came out, counting all the kids who did the Kids' Run. Did my best 10K thus far. Absolutely picture post-card perfect blue sky!

Thanksgiving meal followed a few hours later. Felt no guilt at all when downing a piece of pecan pie after dinner.

Did an early morning bike ride Friday with S. I calculate with our average speed of 17 mph, in 33 F temps, the wind-chill brought the temperature down to about 8 degrees. The hot coffee and toasted bagel at Panera's never tasted so good later after thawing out...

Saturday: Fun Run in the morning with the Sundancers. Evening, Turkey Day Dinner #2 with L's parents and friends.

Sunday: Stayed in from rainy weather.

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