Monday, December 20, 2004

WINTER SOLSTICE: Northern winter begins on December 21st when the sun dips to its southernmost altitude of the year. Astronomers call this the "winter solstice" and it happens at precisely 12:42 GMT (7:42 a.m. EST).

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I have discovered Yerba Mate'! Yum!! Picked up several packages of the tea at the local Trader Joes. Here's the supplier's site: Guayaki' Yerba Mate'
BBC NEWS | Technology: A team of US researchers has shown that controlling devices with the brain is a step closer.

"Free Your Mind..."

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Looks like LOTR artist, Alan Lee's Book Tour kicked up yesterday. Here's his schedule on I'll plan on popping by to see Alan when he stops by San Francisco, on the 10th.