Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Cronkite, American broadcast journalist, passed away today. (November 4, 1916 - July 17, 2009) He was 92.

I was very young, though I remember vaguely listening to Mr. Cronkite when our family would watch some of the final Apollo moon missions on TV. I even played with a rough LEM (Lunar Escape Module, a.k.a. lunar lander)--made out of legos--imitating the play by play descriptions as American astronauts performed their complicated procedures, navigating safely to the lunar surface, approximately 384,400 km away in near space. So much has changed. We are a different world now.

Walter was of course cameoed in the Ron Howard movie, Apollo 13. Broadcast journalism never seemed to be the same after Mr. Cronkite left the CBS anchor chair. ...But I'll remember him for all the good memories he left behind.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just finished watching on, a documentary called The Future of Food. They also have a website, A lot of information I was unaware of, concerning how many of our modern foods have been genetically altered. Was especially surprised at the influence large corporations sway over government policy and public access to information. Highly recommended.