Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time to focus on what is ahead...

Some of you who recently stopped by might notice something missing. I removed the first part of what was planned to be a several part posting about my sister, Nancy, who passed away in December. At the time I wanted to capture some early events that transpired in December, Nancy's passing on Dec. 31st., thoughts about the wonderful memorial service that happened January 6th., and things I still think about--the value of life and treasure we all possess in having time to live life.

At the moment, I just do not have the time to construct the thoughts adequately the way Nancy would certainly deserve then to be presented. She was a lovely, spontaneous, and caring person, who in may ways really had it rough for about 10+ years. The early suspect causes and medical assessments are too complex and personal (in my opinion) to post on the web. And so that is another reason I removed the earlier posting, just so you know part of the reasoning.

Another part of the reasoning involves one of the main goals I had when I first created this blog, which at the time was just sort of a way to stick my toes into this writing medium, and check the temperature before diving in. I digress. Then--as in now--the goal is to capture little vignettes of scenes, experiences, and life events as they happen. I view this blog as a camera of a sorts, snapping moments in time because that time will most likely be gone forever after the moment passes.